Yesterday I started to wear a very beautiful ring chosen for me by my boyfriend Warren. It's white gold and diamonds made special as he selected it for me without my knowledge, cunningly taking one of my Pandora rings and getting my ring size from that.
We're not engaged, it's early days, we have time for that if it's the right path for us as a couple. At the moment we have no engagement leading to marriage plans. No cash either if any of you would like to start a "Go Find Me" page. I can provide the love story and Eloise's story to increase public interest......please note this is my attempt at humour !
Why bother with a ring then? For that answer you'll have to ask Warren it was his lovely idea. I didn't need the ring to know how much Warren cares for me, he's always been very open with his feelings where as I'm more of a closed book. I guess by sharing the pictures of us together and the picture of the ring you also know how much he loves me. I struggle more with the showing emotion thing and I don't make so many open declarations but that doesn't mean I don't care.
Between us we have three failed marriages and at the moment two divorces until mine is completed. We have both gone through marriage breakdowns because of adultery. So for us to have trust it's a big, no huge deal, the be all and end all of our relationship. I know we cannot judge a new relationship on past ones but it's hard not to be cautious, to protect yourself you hold back. Yesterday while walking around Bristol we saw three or four Weddings taking place, everyone looked so happy . I hope they have all found their Happliy Ever After.
We are content with what we have right now. As we have time with just each other as a couple, time with my children being a family , time with our individual friends and hobbies and time alone. A perfect mix that's working well for all of us. So I'm not ready to unbalance all of that . It's hard for a bachelor to fit into the busy, hectic life of a single mother of four but Warren's doing ok. It's not always easy, I'll be honest the kids especially Henry can stress Warren right out. Amazingly he's managed to give up smoking and now vapour as well ! This family conflicts can lead to some tension but I guess that's like any family, blended, step family etc ? We work that though until calm is restored. Warren won't replace the kids dad, he doesn't need to but he can spend quality time with them as well. I think my children and Warren get something out of knowing each other. My children will always come first in my life and Warren after them .I'm entitled to my own happiness as well and I have enough love for them all.
If Warren and I stay together it will be a natural progression that he'll move in with us as I have a family home. So therefore we have to get this right for all our sakes. We aren't ready for that. I'm sure though my Ex will be rubbing his hands in glee as if we cohabit it means he can cut back on the maintenance money . So at least one person will be happy for us 😉.
So thank you lovely people for your congratulations it really does mean a lot to both of us and we do appreciate all the support we have. I'm glad you are happy for us, as a sensible friend just posted on my FB "Life's too short to not be happy "
love you all lots. X