Don't grow up its a trap !
I want to write welcome to adulthood but I'm not sure I'm there yet, although I guess I've been an adult for 25 years. Oh my goodness I'm shocked myself 25 years, what I'm 46 how did that happen ? It's bloody tough being grown up isn't it, harder than I imagined when I watched my parents being adults !
I couldn't wait to be an adult for stupid reasons like eating a whole tub of ice-cream out of the pot and the fact I could stay up actually not not just up but out until all hours. How extravagant , how exciting, how free . I could set the rules and live by my own rules and it would be truly amazing. Yes I did eat that tub of ice-cream until I reached nausea and I most definitely stayed out all night because no one was waiting up worried about me. I partied , got drunk (very and often) , went to nightclubs 3-4 times a week and wandered home on my own in the night, you know all that stuff that freaks us parents out. I met boys that would have been deemed unsuitable if viewed by the parents and it didn't matter. I was away from home. I was living my life and enjoying it. Then I settled down, got married , had a baby, and another, and another and then there were four !
But now I'm here solo parenting and allegedly I've been a grown up for ages , it's not always fun is it ? It's not what I imagined and I think I fail at this grown up malarkey quite often . Which wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't responsible for four children, poor things. It's hard juggling everything, even harder on your own. I find it hard keeping everything and everybody afloat. Mind you I don't think I do so bad at the parenting stuff that's the easy bit. We have a lot of fun together, I like actually no I love our little unit. Having children has been an extension of my own childhood. I like watching Disney Films, going to the Zoo, building Lego , playing Barbies none of that's a hardship. Being a fussy eater I even like the same food as my children, in fact their tastes are more exotic than mine. I do loathe the park, soft play and other such places frequented by other people and their children !
I'm always grown up and sensible regarding Eloise's health and transplant issues, I wouldn't take risks with her health or the other childrens. I do think hearing your child's life maybe limited changes your outlook and priorities. If you came to our house you'd see how much time and money it needs spending on it, poor old Victorian thing really needs some TLC but that's not fun. House maintenance and improving is a grown up thing, so how do I deal with it. I ignore it and we go to the cinema , the zoo or shopping instead ! Time is so precious.
The grown up things I don't really like doing - I don't like sorting out my money, the fear of logging into my online banking and not liking what I see, remembering to pay bills , hoping the Ex has paid me on time. Having money in my purse for all those unexpected things each week, like numerous collections at work . I'm lucky that I'm good with money, good at spending it too but I do save for the things I want like our Annual two weeks in the Sun. It's an expense but I value the quality family time and the chance to make memories with my children. I have hated how long it's taken to sort out my divorce, bloody solicitors sucking money out of us and causing friction . I'm actually looking forward to financial independence then I can make some long term plans......oh maybe not that sounds all too grown up. On a serious note I so must write a will , it's not something any of us want to think of, our own demise, but on this I need to be sensible.
Stupid one next , I hate putting the bin out. Well more I really bloody hate sorting out the recycling, it's all organised for a few days then it's all chucked in the cupboard which means a boring ten minutes on a Thursday sorting it out. I know it's bugger all time but hey my blog, my space to moan ! It's Thursday tomorrow.....sigh !
Health, finding the time or being bothered to have your eyes checked, go to the dentist and Dr. Your sensible self knows it's important but time is precious and I'd rather spend it doing lovely things like eating cake. Also being a grown up even if you have a fear of the dentist you have to dig deep and be exceptionally brave so you don't put your fears onto your children. Thankfully it's just the hygienist I hate and I visit her when the children are in school.
Work - I never climbed the career ladder, not even one rung. Maybe I'm not grown up enough to take more responsibility or maybe I'm sensible and my priorities lie elsewhere. Also I feel I have to keep my stress levels low in as many aspects of my life as I can as . I cannot take my work home with me in my head the space is needed for other worries.
Commitments and friendships - now here is an area where I feel I have made progress and I'm fairly adult in my choices. I'm not scared of commitment but I also know I'm independent and capable of being on my own and that's refreshing. When I was young I had fairytale expectations of falling in love with Prince Charming , the man of my dreams and of course we lived happily ever after.......oh bugger we didn't ! My marriage wouldn't have featured in any Disney Movie, well not unless Tim Burton was directing ! Then I fell down the rabbit hole that is Tinder. However I like being on my own, I enjoy my space, my times of solitude. I guess I'm sociable on my terms ! Friendships have evolved, moved on or broken down, that's life. I've made new friendships with the right people , gaps have been filled and I feel lucky to have my special group of friends. I try not to be drawn into toxic relationships, in reality or Facebook, the later being harder even with the unfriend feature ! I don't feel I need to please other people, I don't need to be liked, my opinion is as important as the next persons and I don't need to be popular, so maybe I am beyond my teenage years ?