Happiness — in search of happiness, as happiness is a choice right ? It can be hard to achieve and maintain the happy bubble. Happiness is elusive, so that's why I've had learn to understand myself and my needs. I guess many of us spend most of our adult lives chasing happiness like it’s some sort of distant destination that we will arrive at one day. Not seeing and appreciating what we already have, it's all about the little things people ! Yep I'm one of the enlightened.
Life can be so all consuming, complicated and grown up. Even at the grand age of 47 I'm not ready for grown up, you can't make me ! I've had to take a step back and look at my life from another angle. Then I saw honestly how things were and I made some changes. You can’t let fear and negativity hold you back and keep you trapped in a life you’re not happy with. Therefore I was forced to think again about what my real goal in life is and how I could make a firm foundation for it. Basically if stripped right back I just want an easy life filled with happiness and health surrounded by awesome human beings of my choosing.
We live in this busy, tough world that teaches us that to be happy we must first achieve the status of “enough;” rich enough, clever enough, funny enough, fit enough, popular enough, worthy enough but “enough” is generally a far-fetched and unobtainable. Happiness is easier to achieve and better than "enough." Of course being happy can still need a little work.
I'm often afraid to openly say I'm happy incase I jinx my life and my run of good luck. Eloise's stable health but I should share my happiness with those who are interested. I shouldn't be afraid, we are all vulnerable but we must speak up and share. No one escapes fear, no one is without self doubt, no one is without insecurities , you aren't alone. It's just how we choose to deal with these things and other such delights ! You cannot let your past and the bad things that have ever happened to you, weigh you down. Everyone has had some bad times , some worse than others, but you’ve got to walk through life like you haven’t got any. On the whole life is good to me, I am financially pretty secure, I own my own home, I have great kids, amazing hand picked friends, my health, the right job for me but I still have to work on my happiness . I believe we all do. I think we rely on others to make us happy, I know that's a mistake I used to make. Now I'm one of the enlightened I know I'm choosing happy and I'm the only one who can make it work .
It's taken me a long time to get to where I am now, it's where I'm supposed to be. I don't regret the "lost years." I'm just more honest now with myself and by writing things down those around me get a better insight too. My life is more real now, more authentic. I believe anything is possible if you set your mind to it, it just takes time........sadly this means I won't be a slim thing on holiday again this year as some things take a hell of a lot of time !!!!
So here goes the summary, I'm basically trying to say that life and your happiness is exactly as you make it and it's absolutely ok to walk away from the things and people who are dragging you down and not letting you reach your full potential in life. You are the only person who can control how happy you feel and who can carve yourself a sparklier HOW IS THIS EVEN MY LIFE ! Go chase those dreams people. Go, go on what's stopping you people? Go get the World , it's yours.......well it's mine actually !
I'll leave you with the quote that got my writing cogs moving this evening.