As you all know on the 23rd May 2002 I experienced a traumatic event. Eloise being so acutely ill on a ventilator in paediatric intensive care, Eloise covered in tubes and wires, cannulas and lines that they've struggled to put into her shut down body. Eloise with little chance of survival. Eloise diagnosed with cardiomyopathy of unknown origin at this point. Life as I knew it ended on that day. That day left me feeling helpless and emotionally out of control. This psychological trauma left me with memories, flash backs, anxiety, but it also left me numb, I felt disconnected from people. It's taken many , many years for me to feel safe and for my pain to lessen.
The years since I've been writing this blog have helped me enormously , this has been my self-help strategy and I've let you be my support. What happened to Eloise nearly broke me but it didn't, maybe the pieces of my life are now in a different order but that's ok. Even though I found others going through similar experiences online ;my transplant family; I still felt isolated from the rest of you.
As well as the emotional symptoms of shock, guilt, sadness etc I also experienced physical symptoms such as insomnia, being easily startled ( I remain quite jumpy !) and I can often feel agitated when I feel tense. These are no longer constant as time is indeed a great healer, these symptoms are mainly saved up for hospital appointments or specific dates. I know I shall continue to grieve what I lost, I know I'll continue to feel anger, I know if I screw up my eyes and think hard enough I can play back many traumatic conversations in film colour on the back of my eyelids. But this means the harder times are very infrequent now. I know life can change in the blink of an eye, I also know worrying about it won't change the outcome. I can be quite wise on occasion.
The agitation and insomnia have been helped greatly by that evil known as exercise. I need my gym fix or a gentle swim. It calms me or allows a positive outlet for my anger. It's a good place for me, not a bad addiction either ! I listen to music and focus on myself, I don't give myself time for negativity. This is self care. I try and get between 7-8 hours sleep and I do manage that 95% off the time these days. The "loneliness" has gone I feel by writing down how I feel I'm letting you all in, I'm no longer isolating myself. This is good, I don't want to sit in a circle and discuss how I'm feeling, I don't want 1-1 with a therapist I want the freedom to write when I need to. I know how to calm myself down, time out in the bathroom, candles, music and a book or just curled up along lost in a book. Books offer great escapes !
I don't need my traumatic memories erased they are part of who I am now. However it's good that they are mainly at rest. I guess it's also about avoiding the triggers with me. So nemesis day I'm ready for you, eyes wide open so that'll stop you delivering any flashbacks ! Let's just have a "normal" day !