Sunday, 19 April 2015


On Friday we had a work Study Day one of the sessions was on Mindfulness. 

What is Mindfulness ? 
Mindfulness is a mind-body approach to well-being that can help you change the way you think about experiences and reduce stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, breathing and yoga. It helps us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, we’re better able to manage them.

We did some work using a couple of the relaxation techniques one releasing stressful tension from each part of our body; the other using breathing techniques. I'm not entirely sure either were for me or that I'll use them again but I still took something away from the session. 

   I think over the years especially in the last two I have become more "mindful" of my own mental health and I've found ways of protecting it. The strategies I use work for me and I can recognise when stress, fear, anxiety etc is building up inside me. I'm due an incoming boat load of stress in the next week or so as Eloise's three monthly cardiology appointment is looming. Therefore expect this Facebook Status " locked in the bathroom, candles burning, Earl Grey Tea, soft music and a Lush Bath bomb" The solitude is part of my defence mechanism , the need not to talk is quite strong. I'm probably not easy to get through to during these episodes which can be hard for others to accept. That used to make me feel guilty but I've let that go and put my needs first. By writing my Blog I've found another outlet and that's good, writing things down, acknowledging my feelings, thoughts, fears in this way is a good step. This works better for me than taking during tougher periods of anxiety. When saying things out loud seem too final , too defeatist. This is an easier medium. 

   I'm extremely lucky I have a lot of "me" time, my four children are all in full time education and I only work 2-3 days a week. The work life balance I have is fantastic and I'm truly grateful for that. Sometimes I feel guilty and wonder if I should do more then something happens like Eloise's rejection episode and year of blips or even my prolonged flu and chest infection episode that reminds me what a fine balance it actually is. I can just about still juggle all the balls in the air and manage everything when life throws a curve ball ! In reality I don't possess the juggling skill ! 

I like this picture, it speaks volumes 

Honestly I have to say my mind flits backwards sometimes, wishing something's were different , imagine if Eloise never caught Hand, Foot and Mouth Virus ? Amazing that something like a "simple" childhood illness changed the direction of our life and potentially our future as a family. What would life have been like if it never happened, no illness, no transplant , no anxieties about Eloise's health, no fear of her dying prematurely. But it did happen, it happened in the past and mostly life has been good and kind to us over the past 12 years so that has to be remembered too. So that's the past.

The future can be a scary and unpredictable place, none of us knows what will happen but we just have to hope that life's good and kind, happy and healthy. That Life is the best it can be for us all. Therefore it's best not to let worries about the future engulf you too much and let you miss out on the here and now. 

   The present......we're here family life is good ! It's now been nine months since Warren and I met. Things are going well and having him around has been of benefit to us all. Millie of course would say differently ! We do so much as a family and recently enjoyed our first family trip to Northern Ireland. It's great having someone help us sort the house and garden out and we're enjoying doing the work together as a team. It's nice being looked after . Thank you Warren x


So take a look at Mindfulness it may work for you.

  Just try to take a few minutes a day to relax yourself , a bit of quality me time to unwind, so the day to day stresses don't become a burden. This small amount of time could increase your mental well being and make you prioritise what's important in life and what you can let go. ❤️

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