To those of you who have experienced a life changing event do you think you've changed as a person ? I've just been wondering again today how different I am from the woman I was 14 years ago. I know I'm older but not particularly wiser ! How different am I from the 2002 me, have I been shaped by the life events I have experienced because of Eloise's transplant. Is my temperament different ? I'll never know will I ? I just hope I'm the best me I can be.
Of course my outlook on life is different , it's all about being positive each day and making the most of what we have as a family. It's about making memories and enjoying new experiences. I've changed the way I look at everything around me, how I look at the other people in my life and how I see myself. It's helped me to prioritise what and who is important . It's made me more focused and determined to have the life I want for myself and my children. I think it's made me stronger, well at least tough on the outside but with a soft centre ! What choice is there but to carry on ? I just draw on the strength I've shown during my times in hell. I can't change the past but I can make sure I enjoy every extra tomorrow I'm granted with Eloise
My worries have changed, although I hate it when appliances break down, or receiving unexpected bills etc I can prioritise these problems and deal with them or I can phone for help ! I can rationalise these things and cope. They are in my control .......just. However my worries about Eloise often consume me. Her health is such a balancing act and we don't always achieve the balance. In fact she's ill at the minute this always seems to happen after a holiday or mini break. Such a shame that Eloise enjoying herself comes at a price. Her future will always be uncertain because of her transplant and health issues. I know nothing in life is certain but worrying that you'll outlive your child isn't a normal worry for most people. I'm in an abnormal situation in a normal world. I do like being in control of my life but there is no way I can control Eloise's post transplant health so as they'd say in Frozen I need to "Let it Go."
I said earlier that I have become stronger I guess that's because of the fighting I often have to do to get Eloise the best care. The follow up and medical input she needs. I seem to have to chase everybody to get appointments, letters, medications. Nothing happens as it should and communication between the Drs involved in her care is often sketchy. This applies also to her education and thankfully school is being a bit more supportive now. Take today Eloise should have taken her GCSE science practical exam which is worth 25% of the mark but she's been in bed all day. So school said she can take it tomorrow with another class or even Friday on her own. They can even reschedule it for another week and she can take as many breaks as she needs. I'm happy with this and feel they're meeting her needs. I'm glad I fought so hard to get her a medical care plan. I guess it's easy to easy to fight when you're passionate about something or someone !
Really though we are being shaped and slowly transforming after every life event we experience. So none of us really know who we might have been if things had worked out differently. I'll just have to be satisfied with the me I am now, well until the next modification !
Always good to read a positive blog experiences do change you, I know they have me but I think, for the one walks over me these days!!
ReplyDeleteEloise is such a lucky girl to have you as her mum, fighting her corner which shouldn't be necessary but sadly have a lovely family Bec, one to be vey proud of! xx
Thank you I'm very proud of Eloise and my other children. They are my strength and they fuel my determination to do my best for them, always X