Sunday, 30 December 2018
Christmas -Handle with Self Care
Sunday, 9 December 2018
Happiness- Love the Life You Live
Friday, 7 September 2018
Full of Life
Saturday, 18 August 2018
Finely Tuned.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Another Year ❤️
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Chasing the clouds away
Monday, 14 May 2018
Realisation - a positive change.
The 23rd of May has haunted me for many years, the day my world came crashing down as my precious Eloise was diagnosed with myocarditis and not expected to survive. The pain has eased over the past few years and I’ve stopped crying ! I never used to get through the day without a session of weeping , usually in private, usually into my pillow. Such a lonely time to be upset. People expect you to get over such events. You’re told or expected not to dwell on the past. You’re told that “time is a great healer” maybe it is but you remain scarred. Yes the event is in the past but I cannot switch off from it completely, it’s not a light switch. I’m sure many of my friends have heard these things or maybe even said them ? You can’t just get over a trauma like this, you cannot just move on or forget it, you have to live with it and find peace. Life will never be the same again. Having pressure put on you just makes things more difficult, you have to work on your feelings in your own time and only when you are ready.
For me writing this blog has really helped, I can be honest, I can express myself, I can “talk” without fear of crying. I can explain how I’m feeling without anyone looking at me. I feel safe in here and writing this is my therapy. I’m talking to you and I feel you understand that what happened to me is important. Currently biting my nails........
I know I won’t totally get over what happened to Eloise, I cannot forget what I saw, the flashbacks still happen, they are very vivid, imprinted in fine detail in my brain. But I can live with them. They show me what a fighter Eloise is, they show me how far she’s come, they remind me to believe in miracles, they remind me how precious and fragile life is. They are part of me now. My demons are getting tamer and I can let them out of the box in my head when I need to.
So 23rd May 2018, I guess I’m more than ready for you. A life changing day but you haven’t broken me yet.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Winning the Lottery
Winning the Lottery
anxiety really. Let me now confess to making this trip to Gosh even more stressful. We met Rebecca, Eloise’s donor’s mum for an hour. We’d been emailing and she realised she was at Gosh chairing an organ donation meeting on picu. She asked how we would feel about meeting up, I checked with Eloise and she wanted to. I feel I have to be guided by both of them, this is more about their feelings than mine. I didn’t need to have been nervous, we chatted over coffee the most natural of conversations, it just worked and flowed. I’m so proud of Eloise you know that already but she truly is amazing. We walked away from the meeting and Eloise was happy , she just said I’m connected to that lady because of her daughter’s heart. Rebecca emailed me later, she agreed with how natural it all felt, our first born daughters are both at uni, they sound similar. She then said she liked meeting Eloise, “I see what you mean about her being chilled. How lovely is she?” I’m so glad this meeting went so well.
tea and coffee and our own bathroom, whoop, whoop. Good soundproofed windows so we didn’t hear any outside noise, win, win . Those that know the Italian wing will appreciate how wonderful it was to have a good nights sleep in a bed without a covering of plastic. Sleep that wasn’t broken by the early recycling of glass bottles. Small pleasures !
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Never Enough.
People, you have various relationships in your life, mother, partner, work colleague, friend, confidante, child , family member and many , many more. Some relationships are significant and some are insignificant ( can I say that?) You try so hard to make relationships work, no one likes failing. I like to make people happy and I'll try hard to make people smile. It's also good to make the other person in the relationship proud of you. Then there are relationships where you could bend over backwards ( I physically can't even touch my toes.....) and it still wouldn't be enough. You try and try desperately to please someone and it's still not enough, never enough. . Now it's a bit of a problem a dilemma really not being enough. You just have to decide whether it's your problem or theirs.......Now I'm old and wise(r) I've come to realise it's not my fault. I've accepted that for some people I'll never be good enough.
It's quite sad realising that you'll never be enough for someone but it can also be quite liberating. If a person is rejecting you and your friendship they are setting you free really to be with someone who accepts you for who you are. I guess this can go for someone who puts you down all the time too. , you realise you can't please them, so you can be brave and set yourself free. No one needs to be controlled emotionally. You can't please everyone, you can't control their expectations of you, you can't control how they view you, you can't control how they judge you. It's all a game and sometimes you have to quit playing it.
Sometimes we have to take a step back, take some time out, remove ourselves from a situation or relationship to actually focus and see it more clearly. Why do we need to feel accepted ? Why do we put certain people on pedestals ? Why do we let people judge us ? Why do we allow toxic friendships ? I think if we are all honest we have all been hurt before but those past painful experiences have shaped us into the people we are right now. I know I'm much stronger for it, I've met the right people at the right time. I know I'll always be enough for the core of people I've allowed into my life. They love me and I love them in return, it's a genuine love. I am enough for them, they've seen the struggles I've been through, they know my worth, my strengths , my sadness, my past. Together we can laugh and smile to numb the pain of the difficult days. It's ok for me to admit there are tough days but made easier with the right people next to me.
You’ll never be good enough because the truth is, you’re more than enough. You’ll always be more than “good enough.” Look in the mirror and be kind to yourself and say "I am enough."
If this is a karaoke blog post we are now all belting out a floor shaking rendition of "This is Me" while sticking our finger up at those rejected us for being "Never Enough." Lots of love Bec xxxx
Friday, 23 February 2018
Because You Are Worth it.
Juggling life, multi tasking , all systems go that's me, I thrive on it. I like organising my life and being a mother of four who parents alone I have to be organised. I liked rushing around, I liked being busy, I liked having a full schedule . See the past tense creeping in there ? Well one day I realised I couldn't do it all any more I was burning myself out and no one had noticed. I was over committing to everything and everyone . Why ? Guilt possibly, being a people pleaser, fear, the inability to say no. I guess I allowed some people to take advantage of my kind nature and my time. So I failed and I actually liked it.
I now pick my battles, I can say no, I can walk away and I can put my own needs first. I feel free, life is a hell of a lot easier and I feel refreshed. Why do we punish ourselves for actually taking care of ourselves once in a while ? Why are we constantly in a rush, pushing ourselves to breaking point ? This maybe life but is it living ?
So I decided I was worthy of some "me time" I embrace the feeling I get from being on my own at the gym, the time I spend soaking in the bath, the time I spend reading on the sofa etc. I've learnt that as I'm running a home and looking after my children on my own it is super important to take care of ME. I don't have a replacement and I'm on my own. I have no time to burn out, if I neglect myself I will crash and burn, I so nearly did. I used to feel guilty for taking a day to relax, let alone a weekend. Everyone asks you what you've been doing all day, it seems wrong to say nothing, why ? Why do we have to rush around and fill a day ? It's not selfish to want to just chill out, it's not a waste it's necessary.
You have to take care of yourself emotionally, it's not just about drinking water and eating leaves ! So slow down, prioritise what's important, celebrate the little successes and deal with sadness rather than hiding it away. A big one is letting go of the past, I struggle with this hugely , I have a lot on replay in my head but I deal with it all now or at least I manage it well. Learning to say NO, this is also huge, I think I've just become better at this with age, quiet nights in are often more appealing than sitting in a pub ! My time is precious so I like to choose who I spend it with and what I do with my time. So just reconnecting with ourselves, replacing fear with trust and letting go of the things we can't cannot control this is self care. Just be yourself, love yourself, embrace your uniqueness this is self care. Stay in the present, live for the moment, give yourself thinking space , this is self care. Be gentle with yourself, now that truly is self care.
Can many of us honestly say that we love ourselves ? Why are we often unhappy with ourselves so often dwelling on our faults ? You wouldn't be so harsh to a friend so why are you so critical of yourself ? You have to learn to love yourself so that you feel worthy and comfortable in your own skin. We all think we are too fat for instance, you're never as big as you think. Besides, since when did a higher body fat percentage have any bearing on what makes you a quality human being ! Appreciate your body and what it can do, basically I go to the gym as its good for my soul and not just the way it potentially could make me look if I stopped eating cake. Let's be happy being practically perfect rather that always trying to achieve perfection. Just be kind to yourself , it's one of the best things you can do for yourself.Just try and be happy as you'll feel more deserving if your self esteem improves. Celebrate who you are. I have so many wonderful friends who don't realise how amazing they are and how valuable they are to me. They cannot see what I see so maybe I need to tell them more frequently ? Also don't beat yourself up when things don't go to plan, be kind to yourself.
To me being mentally strong helps me to handle the challenges my life often decides to throw at me. It always seems to be all or nothing here ! I try to recover as quickly as I can from these "set backs " often by self preservation. So I may retreat a bit from real life and social media, I'll take more baths, I'll swim and you'll probably see a blog post pop up, ta, da !!!! All these things work for me, so I do recommend finding your own coping strategies for dealing with stress. I'm lucky in that I'm an optimistic person, I prefer the bright side so I think that always helps me too.
I guess part of the struggle is when does self care become selfish ? Why is it wrong to focus on your own needs, desires, feelings and opinions ? Why is this perceived as selfish ? In my opinion this is my life to use as I want to, selfishness is about a lack of consideration for other people this isn't the same as a healthy self esteem through self care. For me looking after number one has given me the mental resources I need to reach out to my friends and those I support in life without leaving myself drained.