Not sure where to start with this. I know many have found this year hard and will call it their worst yet and that’s their prerogative. I can’t say I feel that way. I try to look after myself and my family and not get too caught up in what everyone else is doing. I just can’t do angry for very long without it making me feel exhausted and miserable. I trust my own judgements , I trust what I feel is safe for myself and my family to do. I also realise that mental health needs to be considered and I’ve had to give that some thought and act to look after my childrens and parents mental well-being . Of course there’s been disappointment because of broken plans, missed holidays, missing catch ups etc but I’d rather that than the despair of losing a loved one. I’m privileged to be able to go on holiday etc during normal times when other people are struggling. We initially had food parcels from the government as Eloise was shielding so I’ve tried to pay it forward by donating to the food bank and to Fare Share Bristol. So here are some random ramblings from me to end the year.
2020 just reaffirmed that .
⭐️They share the same keep calm and carry on nature so the same resilience.
⭐️the caring nature , the empathy , the top listening skills (well the majority anyway)
⭐️ they tell the best stories , you know who you are.
⭐️ they have the best sense of humour , it’s sometimes a sick sense of humour but we laugh anyway.
⭐️they are always happy to sit down have a cup of tea and cake with you. They can be bought with sweet treats and love a new on the market chocolate bar to taste test.....thank you Queen of Treats.
⭐️they give the best medical advise , basically telling you to get on with it . There’s no time to be sick !
⭐️they are trustworthy and you can talk to them in confidence as we are taught that kind of thing online every bl**dy year and of course we owe a duty of confidentiality.
⭐️on the other hand gossip is good , keeps us entertained during this lockdown life.
⭐️ as a workforce they just get on with it, if there is moaning it’s collective moaning and who wants to freeze in sub zero conditions indoors or work with beep, beep, beep ten times a week.
⭐️ they are also prone to exaggeration, see above.
⭐️ they can even make you laugh while in full PPE, actually just by looking at them in their hazmat suits more suited to a 6ft man mountain.
⭐️ apparently they can even save your life. I think this means in a resus situation but this year talking has saved sanity and mental health. Being together has meant everything.
In this year like no other , I’m so thankful for my work family. These ladies have been rocks and true friends. They’ve definitely made the situation so much easier for me. It’s nearly my 32nd year in the NHS and this year has been like no other. Although I do remember how tired I was and how sore my hands were as a student nurse, nursing during a flu epidemic in November and December 1989. The peak of that epidemic saw an infection rate of around 575 people per 100,000 and there were between 19,000 and 29,000 deaths during this outbreak. This time around although a key worker I’m most definitely not frontline but we all have our role to play keeping the NHS going. Except I did bow out for two months as I had a huge conflict of interest between my home life and my work life. I needed to minimise the risk of Eloise catching Covid-19, I was just so lucky that my managers arranged a period of unpaid leave for me and my colleagues understood. While I was off we received lovely door step deliveries from them to keep us going.
I’ve missed my old ward family my ladies from ward 36 and hope to see some of them as soon as this is over for our dinner dates and catch ups , we may need at least monthly meetings to get all the chat in. I’ve also missed seeing my original nursing friends Julie, Lisa and Emma from my RGN training in Exeter. We usually get together 2 or 3 times a year. Julie was one of the last people I went out with in March.
I’m so proud of the NHS and all those who work there, you’re all amazing, my heroes. I hope the vaccine gives us back our lives.
I’ve learnt it’s ok in the slow lane.
It’s ok to sit and just be.
Take away picnics on a park bench are a good thing.
Seeing a friend for a hot chocolate is fun.
YouTube is my exercise buddy.
I’ve learnt to bake.....nah that’s a lie.
I’ve learnt a new skill, nope that didn’t happen either.
I love my Nintendo switch and Animal Crossings.
Amazon Prime is a blessing during a lockdown.
I don’t like watching TV , I knew this.
I can’t rewatch films or reread books
I’ve not done one zoom meeting, quiz or call, hurrah. I did use Face Time once on Christmas Day
I’ve not been alone in the house since March and I’ve coped.
I miss aqua aerobics, the cinema and going to the theatre.
Percy Pig is a top lockdown purchase.
I’ve not found this year hard as I’ve had worse.
I’ve taken every opportunity to do something this year when covid restrictions have allowed.
There’s more of me but mentally I’m in a good place and a broken mind is harder to treat then the extra weight I’ve gained.
Cake is life......and fattening, sigh.
I’m alive and so are those I love.
2020 I can’t complain, thank you for all you’ve taught me. I feel well equipped now for the rest of this hour, day, week, month, year, decade and beyond. 2002 taught me so much and altered me, just swap the numbers around and we have 2020. Living in the moment and seeing the good in every day has truly helped me......plus a little help from my friends. ❤️