Friday 29 December 2017


Being Rich

Rich, I'll confess to having a bit of a blip at the start of the month and initially my thoughts were money focused . I was a little bit angry and quite upset about the lack of financial support my first born gets from her dad. Especially as he's just had a very extravagant wedding and has some long haul honeymoon plans. Obviously it's his money and he can choose how to spend it but it would be nice if he helped Leah out. As she's now 20 there hasn't been any maintenance for her for two years from him. She'll always remain my child and I'll help her as much as I can, it didn't stop when she became an "adult." I don't like feeling angry and unsettled so I'm very glad these frustrations were short lived and the anger dissipated safely in the gym ! 

I managed my thoughts by changing them from thinking of what I didn't have to being grateful for all I do. I have so much that money can never buy. My family, the people who will always love me, they'll stand by my side no matter what the circumstances are. My parents did a good job of raising me and I'm lucky to have had a good solid childhood. My four children keep me young, they transform me back to being a child again. Though there is some doubt over whether I ever truly grew up. How rich am I ? Children are so precious and to have four of them is a privilege .

I have a small tight group of friends in reality, on FB I have many more ! My true friends are a select bunch, special chosen as they have the right qualities. I value them, they are always there for me. I like to be there for my friends too, kindness goes a long way. It's good to empower people you meet, showing them you care. Some of my friends I rarely see but we stay in contact and I know when we do meet up it'll be like we've never been apart. One of my friends I never see but we are in touch constantly and I'm grateful for the level of contact and understanding we have between us. How rich am I ? To have friends who totally understand you and accept you for who/what you are is precious. 

     I am content and happy with my life. I think true happiness comes from being grateful for what you have. Not being content with what you have leads to misery or greed. This goes for material things, lets face it even if you get "everything you ever dreamed of" it doesn't equate to happiness, because as humans we have a deeper need than to just have material things. For me I also think of Eloise's illness and transplant. I could destroy our happiness by constantly worrying about her future. I could get angry about the whole situation but it gets me nowhere.I can't live in the past as I'll lose out on living.  I have to remember how lucky I am that Eloise received a heart transplant. Others die waiting. I have to look back at the past 15 post transplant years and look at all the wonderful memories we have banked as a family. We have collected so many lifetime experiences while we can. So we do not have regrets when we are no longer able to. I think having a positive attitude towards life is key. I'm optimistic that being positive in the toughest of situations will bring happiness back to me, even if I have to be really patient, I guess this is hope. How rich am I ? There is no gift more precious than the gift of life. Life is a gift that cannot be bought so we must treasure it.

   Work, if you'd told me this time last year that I'd be leaving my job at Bristol Childrens hospital in six months I'd never have believed you. Previously when things have been tough getting the hours I needed to fit around solo parenting four children I'd considered leaving nursing. However nursing isn't a job it's a passion , it's in your blood and I know nothing else. Nearly 29 years in the NHS cannot just be switched off. So here I am working at the dental hospital looking after children still but mainly in recovery. I have my career back, the one I chose all those years ago. I have passion again not pressure, I'm looking after children and not drowning in paperwork etc. I consider myself very fortunate to be continuing in nursing. I have met lots of people who are frustrated with their careers and life as they don't  know where there desires lie. How rich am I ? 

My life is valuable, I am rich and I appreciate all I have. Of course having money helps but essentially the amount of money doesn't bring greater happiness. I'm lucky to have enough to live well. I appreciate others aren't so fortunate. I like to have fun and to keep smiling, I like to add sparkle to the mediocre. You know me, I choose to be happy in my heart and my mind and I like to keep an optimistic view on life. Money cannot buy that. Maybe life should be measured by the level of satisfaction instead of the level of possessions ? How rich am I ? Thankfully most of the time I've hit the jackpot but of course I'm only human and I'll have the odd jealous tinge occasionally but I can soon remember all I have that cannot be bought.



  1. Just read this and burst into tears,it’s lovely to see a Mum appreciate her children regardless of the the struggles, for over 14 years all I’ve wanted to be is a Mum , after so many miscarriages & stillborns sometimes defeat is finally met and the life I always dreamed will not be, it upsets me so much I literally ache, so seeing people moan about their kids makes me sad, but to see this is lovely, I will never have the riches you do, and I wish all a lifetime of health and happiness x

    1. Darling Louise, I see your Instagram posts and I can feel the pain coming from them. I'd guessed you'd felt the pain of miscarriage but didn't appreciate how many losses you'd experienced. It's hard to know what to say, it seems wrong to "heart" one of those pictures. Yet I guess ignoring it isn't good either. I only experienced one loss and that was heart breaking but I was blessed two years later with Henry, I know how lucky I am Louise, they are my world. I just wish everyone was so lucky. You are right you do see people who don't deserve children popping them out left right and centre. Life's not fair.
      I hope you find peace and happiness inside and carry on being such a wonderful kind human being. I treasure my gingerbread men you made me and remember the kindness you showed by giving my girls scraps to make their own tree decorations. Hang on in there sweetheart , lots of love Bec X
