Sunday 30 March 2014

Mothers Day Thoughts

Happy Mothers Day ? 

For me indeed it is a Happy Mothers Day, I'm one of the lucky ones today I spent the day with the four people who mean the World to me my children. 


It could have been so different though. As a mother I gave my children life by creating them, carrying them and giving birth to them. But only another mother's brave selfless decision let me keep my daughter Eloise. She too gave my daughter life by donating her babies organs. This incredible woman won't have found this day an easy one especially as this year it follows on from her daughters 13th Birthday. I know every day when your child dies must be a hard one but days like today must smack you right in the face.

         I've felt that more this year than any . I suppose being in contact with Eloise's donor mum I know now how she is feelng this weekend. We do discuss such things and have an understanding. It's all more real. I don't feel guilty about my happiness or feel I cannot share my day with you but I'm feeling for her and many others more deeply this year. Also within the Heart Transplant Support group mothers are going through incredibly tough times. Children literally just clinging onto life. One of their children potentially dying without a donor and separated from the rest of their children today. Also sadly more children have died pre and post transplant so their mummys are grieving. Through social media in the last year I have met incredible donor mums,  again their children are no longer here. So if I'm finding it hard just thinking about being in their position how torturous are they finding it ? Every tweet, every FB status all about Mothers Day, surrounded by it all engulfing. It's just one day but an emotionally tough one. For them I want it to be over and tomorrow to bring them a better day. 

My Day - my day started really well if a little bleary eyed from 5 hours sleep ! With the arrival of this .

A homemade Red Velvet Cake which Leah baked last night while I was out. I was so touched and a few daffodils pinched from the Park ! The cake deliverer also brought a most welcome cup of tea ! 
Henry had made me a lovely card at school which he's very proud of rightly so ! He's so cute ! 

Lunch was an enjoyable event in the W G Grace Pub, just happy not to have to cook and clean up even if I had to pay ! 
Had some lovely un-pinched tulips from the girls and some little bath bombs I adore, so I'm a very lucky mummy. 


 This evening we have just released a balloon to all the angels but especially for Zara, to remember and reflect on the reason why Eloise is still here. We cannot ever forget that little girl and her mummy. Two lives forever entwined .

So I will spend the rest of the day thinking how lucky I am to have my four beautiful children here with me this evening , alive, well and for the most part happy. I've lit these two candles in my bedroom .
 Love to you on Mothers Day xxxx

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