Thursday 6 February 2014

My Son Henry

A childhood dream of mine was to have four children but as many of us know children are expensive so after Daughter number two Eloise came along my family was complete. Then fate played my family a cruel hand and Eloise ended up fighting for her life and having a heart transplant. Initially the odds on survival you are given are poor a certain percentage not surviving the first year, more dying before reaching five years and average life expectancy being ten years ( in 2002 ) It made us reassess our priorities in life and the number of children we had. On the 22nd of May 2003 Amelia Rose was born , nearly to the day Eloise was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Millie became our bandaid baby, she made things easier,  a new focus and a playmate for Eloise. So again our family was complete.

       In 2006 we decided that we would try for baby number 4 and a couple of months later I was pregnant . Sadly when I went for my 12 week scan the baby had died a couple of weeks earlier but I hadn't miscarried , this was February 2007. I had to have an operation to remove the pregnancy and it was all quite traumatic and a little complicated. My body took a long time to recover and I didn't fall pregnant again until Summer 2008. 

                  The first few weeks of my pregnancy were an anxious time I made many a visit to the a Early Pregnancy Unit for check ups and reassurance scans. But my pregnancy progressed. I also paid to have a nucal fold scan as by now I am 39 years old. The results were excellent so I relaxed into my pregnancy. My pregnancy was uncomplicated, but as I had quite a few risk factors my pregnancy was monitored at the hospital. Risk factors being, my own heart defect, previous pre eclampsia, previous emergency csection , previous premature baby, previous large baby and group B strep carrier. Sadly some Registrar decided at 7 months to discharge me back to midwife care. At 40 weeks no sign of labour progressing , I was fed up . It was snowing heavily and my midwife was concerned so I walked to the hospital to be assessed for induction. I was scanned and monitored then sent away.

  At 41 weeks pregnant On the 7th February in the evening I went into labour. With Millie labour progressed really quickly as she was born within half an hour of getting to hospital ! We drove carefully in the snow. On arrival I was put immediately onto the CTG machine to monitor my contractions and baby's heart rate. It soon became apparent that baby was struggling it's heart rate dipping very low. An obstetrician was called , she was very reassuring and hoped to be able to break my waters to speed everything up. However by getting me in position for this procedure baby's heart rate went down to 60. For a baby this is very low and my labour needed to be stopped. I was given medication into my thigh which stopped my contractions from being so strong. I was then prepped for an emergency c- section. S being no good in this situation stayed in the room while I was wheeled into Theatre. 

   At 2.30am on the 8th February 2009 my baby was dragged into the World  screaming. I heard the words "it's a boy " closely followed by "I think he's ginger !" Both equally shocking to a mother of three daughters who all had dark blonde hair ! My son Henry James Ayrton Verrier Allen had arrived safely weighing a huge 10lb 8oz ! As I hadn't had time to receive anti biotics in labour Henry had to go to NICU to have a cannula and iv antibiotics, to prevent strep B infection.  I was lucky he was well after His ordeal , as Millie was 9lb 15oz at 39 weeks I should have been induced then not left another 2 weeks putting him at risk. I should never have been taken off of consultant led care. Thankfully for us the outcome was ok but a c-section could have been avoided.

   Roll forward 5 years and today it's Henry's 5th Birthday. He's a healthy sturdy chap, very much all boy ......well until he chooses his clothes and asks if it's fashion ! I am so glad he came into our lives. The girls and I enjoy having him around . He was only 2 when S left, he provided us with a welcome distraction as he needed us. He strengthened my relationship with Leah who was always more of a daddy's girl, she adored baby Henry. He has filled our home with Superheroes, dinosaurs and cars ! I am so lucky to have my son, he is funny, loud, boisterous , loving, determined and he's mine. As for his ginger hair, it took me a long while to get used to it ! Now he has grown into it and I couldn't imagine him without his red hair and freckles ! 

 Happy 5th Birthday Henry, I hope you have a day that is as fun filled as you are. Love you to the Moon and back lots of love Mummy xxxx


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